News Websites

Here is a selection of Mews Websites. We may update this list from time to time. The sites are included solely at our discretion and have not requested to be listed here; nor have we accepted any compensation for including these Websites. Surf the Web at your own risk. We cannot guarantee that these sites are what they represented themselves to be when we reviewed them for inclusion in this list.

ABC News
The official Website of the ABC Television network’s news division. ABC is owned by the Disney Co.
BBC News
BBC News is the new arm of the British Broadcasting Corporation, based in the United Kingdom.
CBC News
The CBC News site is operated by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
CBS News
The official Website of the CBS Television network’s news division. CBS is owned by CBS Corporation.
The official Website of the Cable News Network. CNN is owned by Time-Warner, Inc.
Fox News
Fox News is the news division of the Fox Broadcasting Television Network. Fox and Fox News are owned and operated by News Corp. is a joint venture Website between NBC/Universal and Microsoft, Corp. News is provided by the NBC/Universal news division.
The Shot Critic
Sports news headlines for American Football, Baseball, Basketball, Golf, Olympic sports, and more.

Is your Website listed on this page? If you would like to have your listing updated to correct erroneous information, or to have your listing removed for any reason, please send an email to webdirectory @ We will respond to your request within 1-3 days. Your email must come from the same domain as the site listing you are concerned about, or you must provide some other information to confirm that you are authorized to act on behalf of the domain registrant.

We cannot take responsibility for improper communications. Any changes we make as a result of a spoof request can and will be reversed upon our being contacted by the correct party. Evidence of spoof requests may be forwarded to domain registrants and/or law enforcement authorities as required.

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