Internet Marketing

Here is a selection of Websites providing information about Internet Marketing. We may update this list from time to time. Websites are included solely at our discretion and have not requested to be listed here; nor do we charge fees for including Websites. Surf the Web at your own risk. We cannot guarantee that these sites are what they represented themselves to be when we reviewed them for inclusion in this list.

About SEO Consulting
Collection of articles that explain SEO consulting and offer some tips on types of consulting and SEO tools to avoid.
AllTop SEO Blogs
Curated list of blogs about search engine optimization (some better than others) from the editors at AllTop.
The Brand Man Project III
The third in a series of Websites that provide information for an extensive Web design case study.
The Brand Man Project IV
The fourth in a series of Websites that provide information for an extensive Web design case study.
The Brand Man Project V
The fifth in a series of Websites that provide information for an extensive Web design case study.
Marketer’s Insight
One industry insider’s honest opinions about the tricks and travails of Internet marketing.
Marketing Land
One of the leading resources for information about online marketing outside of the SEO field.
Occula Web Resources
A small directory of Websites that publish essays, photos, etc.
Search Engine Land
The Web’s premier news resource about the Internet marketing industry, especially as it relates to search engines.
SEO Glossary
Very extensive dictionary of search engine optimization terminology going into great depth and detail.

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