History Websites

Here is a selection of History Websites. We may update this list from time to time. The sites are included solely at our discretion and have not requested to be listed here; nor have we accepted any compensation for including these Websites. Surf the Web at your own risk. We cannot guarantee that these sites are what they represented themselves to be when we reviewed them for inclusion in this list.

AllTop History
The history blogs indexed at AllTop are among the Web’s leading resources for publicly accessible information and research from the history community. Many blogs maintained by academics.
Archaeology Frontier
Search all the major archaeology, prehistory, and paleontology Websites with this custom search engine. Archaeology Frontier is the Web’s leading resource for finding the latest scientific and historical research into our past.
Small Website inspired by a family pet that is loaded with interesting though brief historical anecdotes.
Flags of the World
This incredible archive provides detailed information about the history and design of the flags of every country on Earth. This is a great resource for geography buffs and students.
Gaming History Online
Another useful collection of articles that trace the origins of gambling from ancient cultures forward through medieval eras to the modern day.
The Historical Link
Small Website but it publishes original articles dealing with obscure points of history. Some speculation.
History Blog
This blog publishes articles that provide in-depth looks at many interesting and often obscure topics. The writer is not afraid to take on controversial topics, such as the probable origin and location of the Biblical garden of Eden.
The History Channel
Official Website of the History cable TV network. Although their shows are not always very accurate they are extremely popular.
History Forum
Web forum devoted to discussion of all topics related to history, paleontology, archaeology, and more. Many discussions cover the latest news in archaeology and history research.
NASA History Archive
The National Aeronautical and Space Administration publishes many historical documents about its research and activities on the Web.
US Census Bureau History Site
The United States Census Bureau publishes a lot of interesting data gleaned from historical population surveys, which are mandated by the Constitution of the United States of America.
US Naval History and Heritage
The United States Navy maintains a history Website for students and citizens who want to learn more about how their nation defends itself on the high seas.

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