
Here is a selection of Websites that serve as directories to other Websites. Web directories are no longer as popular and influential as they once were but some remain very useful. We may update this list from time to time. Websites are included solely at our discretion and have not requested to be listed here; nor do we charge fees for including Websites. Surf the Web at your own risk. We cannot guarantee that these sites are what they represented themselves to be when we reviewed them for inclusion in this list.

Best of the Web
One of the Web’s oldest and most popular directories. No longer free. Requires payment for editorial consideration.
Joe Ant
One of the Web’s most popular directories. Requires payment for submission and does not guarantee listings.
My Guide
My Guide is a directory of primarily Australian Websites. Not easy to get into.
Quiktales Web Directory
The Quiktales Web Directory grew out of the Quiktales Web hosting service. Now includes many other sites in its listings.
The Portulent Web directory has been around for years, starting out as a Yahoo! Group. Now its own Website.
SF Resources
Categorized collection of science fiction and fantasy fan Web sites, professional Web sites, resources, and more.
Squeaky Web Directory
Headlines from popular and innovative blogs from around the Web.
This is a personal Web directory with an extensive number of listings.
Zeef allows users to create public-facing link pages. Community review may be used to moderate the content.
Zee Fans
The Zee Fans directory is a small, personal directory that has migrated out of Yahoo! Groups.

Is your Website listed on this page? If you would like to have your listing updated to correct erroneous information, or to have your listing removed for any reason, please send an email to webdirectory @ We will respond to your request within 1-3 days. Your email must come from the same domain as the site listing you are concerned about, or you must provide some other information to confirm that you are authorized to act on behalf of the domain registrant.

We cannot take responsibility for improper communications. Any changes we make as a result of a spoof request can and will be reversed upon our being contacted by the correct party. Evidence of spoof requests may be forwarded to domain registrants and/or law enforcement authorities as required.

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