
Here is a selection of Blog Websites. We may update this list from time to time. Websites are included solely at our discretion and have not requested to be listed here; nor do we charge fees for including Websites. Surf the Web at your own risk. We cannot guarantee that these sites are what they represented themselves to be when we reviewed them for inclusion in this list.

Not JUST a blog, but a blog with something to say. Two guys writing passionate content about gadgets, entertainment, etc.
Benefits Of
A blog filled with articles explaining the benefits of everything from acai berries to saunas.
Popular with several eclectic writers who like to share their thoughts and the latest news with the blogging community. Lots of SciFi content.
Compost Bins Blog
Everything you need to know about how to make and use compost bins.
Small blog with a big heart. They take on just about anything you can think of and write imaginatively.
How to Blackjack Blog
Blogger writes short, simple articles explaining the basics of playing Blackjack for beginners.
Surviving Dating
Tips and advice on how to enjoy the dating lifestyle.
Zanyish: The Best Blog Ever
Incredible articles about everything you could imagine. We wish there were more.

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We cannot take responsibility for improper communications. Any changes we make as a result of a spoof request can and will be reversed upon our being contacted by the correct party. Evidence of spoof requests may be forwarded to domain registrants and/or law enforcement authorities as required.

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